Learning can be difficult and painful. It often demands extraordinary patience from all involved. A question that will arise is “how much do I want to learn?” Do I want to continue along this path? Is the desire for knowledge or achieving a particular destination worth what I am giving up or enduring? Is my heart willing?
Learning in life comes from all sides. Politicians learn from reading their most ardent critic’s writings or listening to their speeches. They may not admit it yet listening, learning, and growing from the thoughts of others is an extremely valuable part of the process. People that want to be more than they are usually listen more than they talk. The primary reason lies in our knowledge of our self and the thirst for something more than we already have. How much do you want to learn? Are you perfect? Is there nothing left to expand and improve on?
Mistakes are an everyday event; the question that remains is what we do with them. Bad decisions are rampant; do they repeat themselves in the lives of an individual? Choices made bring experiences; do we measure our experience in contrast with our goal? Are we willing to learn?
Solomon’s wisdom exceeded everyone around him yet he still made a mess of a large part of his life. His comment at the end of the process was simple and direct. “Pride first, then crash, but humility is precursor to honor.” (Proverbs 18.13)
Learning and growing is first a decision. The decision cannot be taken lightly or it will fail. The course is challenging and full of unknowns. God understood this and has provided a teacher and guide that understands the myriad of ways each of us are different in our learning. Having opened myself up to the process I can only say that it is more than I ever imagined. More painful, humbling, and challenging are words that come to mind. Other descriptors include joy, peace, wonder, excitement and hope.
The opportunity is here. The Spirit is ready. It is your call.