There are several things that I find I really enjoy as I travel the world. In reverse order; watching and observing people deal with life, especially those who face circumstances and situations very different from my own (people watching), taking the risk while analyzing the sensations and experience of preparing and eating good food, and sharing conversations.
I have found that these three activities are among the best learning environments. I can grow, discover, dialogue, and then change in a way that better reflects the priorities and values that I hold as most precious. I continue to discover a God who is working in every corner of the world. I know this because I find compassion, love, mercy, kindness, and genuine concern for others at the sacrifice of personal achievement, squeezing the last bit of monetary value out of a transaction, and unmerited acts of kindness.
Ironically, many of the very people who give God’s gifts away focus and turn their spiritual energy in other directions. I am continually reminded that the God I know does not seem to mind, in fact it would appear that this facts encourages him to reach out even more! God appears to be concerned about the priorities, values, and motivations of the heart, not the externals. He is, apparently, bigger than the petty names we try to assign him. Do not mistake my observations as a merging and muddling of world religions. Quite the contrary! As I dialogue with others, I find there is much I can learn from their experiences. I also find that they are thirsty to know the God I am quite familiar with, even as I often ignore him in my day to day journey.
I wonder what you are going to do today. I know things are always busy, however, regardless of the to-dos, take a moment to reach out and share life with another. It is amazing what God will do for both of you.
“The good acquire a taste for helpful conversation; bullies push and shove their way through life.” (Proverbs 13.2)