I look back at the trip with a sense of wonder. We had planned to experience the wonder and joy of surfcasting. In our minds, a joyful anticipation of the fresh grilled catch was growing with each moment of reflection. I knew it was going to be amazing.
The weather, circumstances, and life decided that we needed a different experience. There was a simple warning the night before. Things were not working out! Communication lines were not clear. The plan, sketchy as it was, was fading into nothingness. The forecast was a gray, windy, and misty ahead. It was hard to imagine a day on the shoreline where I was trying my hand at fishing.
As we discussed our options over breakfast, I candidly admitted that I had a problem I needed to wrestle with. I did not know how to present and talk about a business challenge. I knew I had elements of the solution within my grasp, but the story line was incomplete. Perhaps we could have a coffee and a working session?
With a quick affirmation to each other, we headed to a local coffee shop with our notes and computers.
I realized in hindsight that we made lemonade that morning. It followed the good fortune model set by many a mariner. When a sailor tells how “after much difficulty, we finally made it to the southern coast of the island of Crete and docked at Good Harbor (appropriate name!),” (Acts 27.8) you need to read in between the lines. Expectations had been dashed. Hard work was the only way to stay alive. Life was inviting one to a different path.
I am confident that in the fullness of time, we will go fishing. I know that our work that morning opened a new path that is proving priceless! Responding to events with a sense of wonder and possibilities, being transparent with where we were, gave us the opportunity to see the new. Life often extends invitations to places that are not on our agendas. Before saying no, consider a great lemonade experience.