Life is getting more and more confusing. Work is full of various games, each more confusing than the last. The pace of the world around me appears to be increasing with the passing of each day; however, I do realize that it could merely be a function of my age. The girls, all three of them, are pushing and pulling their own directions, all looking for just a little more from life than they are getting. Friends are getting married, others are passing on without any warning, and still others face challenges that defy analysis. I am not sure I have any idea where and when up is!
It would be easy to suggest that I am depressed about the situation. In reality it is exactly the opposite! Life has never been more exciting, full of opportunities at every corner. The question is; where do I go, what do I do, and how do I get there? Is there any fact or factors that clearly shape the equations in front of me that help indicate the answers?
As I struggle through the reality of each day, a recurring theme comes to mind. Every equation and challenge in life has a root fact or premise. It is easier to describe the symptoms or indicators of the root; things like personal mission and purpose, life parameters, vocation, interests, family situation and roles, belief structures, or value systems. As I reflect, I see the indicators as signs that often distract rather than provide insight. Is there something at the core that will provide insight and light?
Yes! The answer lies in where things begin and how we fit into the solution. What I am “saying is that God has the first word, initiating the action in which we play our part for good or ill.” (Romans 9.18) God started it all, things happened, God took action, and now we have our role to play.
As I emotionally understand this everything becomes clear. Life is. The question is, what I do in response to God’s actions? Today is decision time.