Often, not always, the way to progress is just waiting for one to see, understand, and then follow. It is quite simple really. I would like to hold myself up as an example as one who can follow directions but as my family and well almost anyone that has known me for awhile knows; I am not good at following directions. The harsh reality is that even when I see the path I often want to create new ones.
Reality dictates that if one is to do something correctly there are principles involved in making the effort a success. The simple clich? that one learns from one’s mistakes is not true if one refuses to see mistakes as something from which to learn. Denial, avoidance of the facts and blindness all contribute but at the heart of the problem is one’s refusal to follow the simple process of seeing the mistake, understanding what the mistake one, and making the choice not to repeat the same process that led to the mistake in the first place.
The irony of our collective blindness shows up in businesses following each other down the same garden path, politicians adopting yesterday’s failed policies, and the individual’s desire to make self the most important thing in life. Even the most difficult things are not as they appear. Take getting to know God and reaping the benefits. The question has been around since time began and yet we seem to refuse to understand the obvious meaning of the words, stories, and examples.
“Well, what do we do then to get in on God's works?” Jesus said, “Throw your lot in with the One that God has sent. That kind of a commitment gets you in on God's works.” (John 6.28, 29)
I have a human coach that I intent on listening to, having giving him permission to be a voice of authority in my life. You and I have a God that has offered us a priceless gift, full and unconditional recreation. The question today doesn’t rest with God; it is with us.
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