The confidence was bubbling in the message back. “Wednesday. I have the first draft by Wednesday.” There is still time for him to make the deadline. While there is time possibilities still exists. However, the warning sign is out.
“Economic motivators are always helpful.”
“What are the consequences if you fail to make your deadline?”
The question still sits unanswered. We are now halfway to the milestone. There are no updates, no progress reports. An old cliché says that a “man should know his limitations.” I first heard this in a movie. It brought a smile in context, however the truth within the words has stayed with me. Our words often reflect a portion of the truth. In my case, knowing that I do not know opens up door to being open for more.
One writer expresses the limitations cliché from different perspective. “We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete.” (1 Corinthians 13.9) The question remains; am I aware that I do not know?
I cannot guarantee what the future will hold. There are many things in life that are beyond my control. I do have the freedom to act. The questions for me always remain. Am I aware of my limitations? Do I see the value others can bring? Am I willing to trust, learn, and reach for more?
Limitations are often hard to admit because admittance is the first step towards acceptance. Life reminds me of experiences where knowing my limits opened the door for great success. Even now I wonder why I did not start there. The puzzle does not need to remain in the past. It can be seen in the moment at hand. Will I start with community in reaching for success? Will I trust the help of others? Will I collaborate, learn, and growth with their help?
I want to say yes, Yes, and YES! I know my answer will come with time through action. In my choices, especially when no one is watching that my heart will express itself.