The e-scooters were gathered. With many to be found in the oddest places, this group was lined up, cleaned, and organised. Given the setting, it was interesting to see the mini-community invitation to join them in fun, adventure, and practicality. I have seen the abuse they have taken in other cities. Abused, trashed, and abandoned, the lack of kindness and respect is there for everyone to see. In contrast, this group were well-maintained, cared for, and ready to go.
Bias is an unfortunate reality in life today. Not all biases are equal except for how they tear at the heart of the one impacted. In acknowledging this, I find myself nurturing the scars within and determined to respond empathetically and care for those affected by the bias of those around them, including my own. In seeing it more clearly, I hold an opportunity to respond with care and kindness, embracing each where s/he is, without conditions. In doing so, I begin releasing the biases within and embracing myself as a step to embracing others.
Bias often includes abuse. There is no excuse. In understanding that bias comes from differences in any form, I can take steps to prepare myself for dark actions and words. I can see what is happening around me. “Kicked around in public, targets of every kind of abuse – some days it was you, other days your friends.” (Hebrews 10.33) When I respond at my best, I focus on moving forward.
The battles with bias can be waged and won, one at a time. I love taking on battles driven by bias. It begins with championing the strengths and contributions of those marked. The courage they demonstrate and the creativity they give birth to. As these are unmasked, communities grow in ways they never imagined! Experiences remind me of how much better we are when individuals contribute based on the strength of their character. Care dominates. Kindness comes first. Unconditional acceptance infused with compassion emerges as the glue that binds us all.
I am lined up and ready to go today.