As I boarded an A380 in Mumbai headed for Singapore, it was as if I was being swallowed up in the three hundred and eighty plus people. Admittedly I was tired, very tired. It has been a busy week filled with emotionally draining presentations, tough planning, and challenging negotiations. Uncertainty was ever present. As I fought the natural and slippery slide into fear, everything came together. By any measure, the week was a success. In an ever changing situation, somehow, someway, things worked. Now that the week was history, the flight home came with a lingering and growing void within.
As I look back on the evening and flight from a position of sleep, I find myself thinking through the mantras I want to carry with me should the position repeat itself.
Great highs are often followed by lows and emptiness. The impact from the natural cycles can be reduced, however the fact that they occur is just that, natural. Being aware, sensitive to nuances within and without, increases the likelihood that one can intentionally respond instead of emotionally reacting.
This cycle reminds me how much I have come to appreciate the value of acting when one is filled with peace, a sense of belonging, and love. When one goes into the battles of the day, demands and uncertainty extract a price. Last week left me drained. Without taking time to take care of my heart, the natural lows and emptiness came with an even greater sense
In the midst of it all, there will be intense feelings within. Some has bluntly confronted God in those moment; “Come back, God – how long do we have to wait? – and treat your servants with kindness for a change.” (Psalm 90.13) Others take a different approach. Without being critical of how one expresses their feeling, I find myself reminding my heart that it is in a low. Recognizing the context is helpful.
In time of need, refill. I realize this should be obvious. Have a void? Rest, reconnect, and let Life and Divinity fill the gaps.