The conference room ceiling was a great reminder. My words and actions are captured, linked, and analysed with wearables, smartphones, and more. There is no place to hide. The truth of what is inside is revealed to an audience far more extensive than I can imagine. In my self-imposed blindness, I am often the last to know. The truth has always been on the table, “Nobody’s getting by with anything, believe me.” (Hebrews 10.31)
The only person who loses by ignoring the data of one’s life is oneself. Divinity already knows the reality, good and bad. Cloud providers, health apps, and navigational tools often know more about me than I am willing to acknowledge, even to my heart and mind. Divinity acts on what She knows. Advertisements are positioned, emails are initiated, and my experience is tailored with discoverable insights and analysis. My ignorance and lost opportunities to learn and grow are directly linked to what I want to know about myself.
I am accepted as I am by those who love me, including Divinity. I know I am unworthy of their love. I understand I cannot be loved for many reasons, and I suspect that there are even more. Knowing I am embraced and belong, I rationalise my fears of rejection by denying large parts of my life. The greatest act of love I can offer is the willingness and commitment to love myself.
Living to the maximum is found in sharing, learning, and growing. Experience likes to remind me that relationships are never static. They develop when being nurtured. They slowly die with my careless words and actions. They fade when I abandon them, intentionally or slowly, often in my absence. When I engage, everything changes. It is never about perfection. It is about sharing one’s heart and mind while letting awareness and care give birth to change and growth.
Knowing is an opportunity. When I know your favourite food, it is easy to prepare a meal you will enjoy. As I see my true heart and mind, I stand with Divinity and hope.