I am convinced that nothing will ever come between my two daughters and myself. This belief came before they were born and the years in between have only cemented the conviction. Now that they are both entering puberty the bond that ties us together is beginning to be tested.
In too many ways the test is not on their side, it rests squarely between my ears! As Carli and Whitney mature into adulthood they discover and test new freedoms and abilities. As a parent I know this intellectually, however the emotional process of empowering, supporting, and nurturing them is not an easy one. I keep reminding myself that I came along the same path, but it appears easier for everyone in the windows of the past. How my parents survived I will never understand, but I am finding out that God works in everyone’s lives far more than one ever realizes!
I wonder about my links with others and God. Am I the adolescent child in the relationship testing the edges and boundaries? Am I the one creating stress in the relationship? Do I really understand what can come between us?
I am convinced that when I apply these questions to my relationship with my wife than she is a strong candidate for sainthood! I cannot stay away from the edges, especially when it comes to new gadgets, tools, and toys! I am difficult to live with, and I do not think it is easier over time. I understand somewhat but truly do not appreciate all the things that can come between us.
What about God?
“I’m absolutely convinced that nothing – nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable – absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.” (Romans 8.38, 39) We are children and friends of God, not because of something we have or will do, rather because of who we are. There is nothing that can come between us except our choice to stay separate.