I am in debt to several individuals for their ideas and tips in planning a menu with the execution to follow. Even as I write these words, the sound of their various voices come together in an encouraging chorus that pushes me to be better than what I am currently.
Yesterday it played out in a housewarming where a dozen friends and equal number of kids came and shared a meal. Trying to find something kid friendly that was also interesting to adults is not always intuitive. From Dutch, Finnish, Californian, and Italian whispers were just the beginning of improving on my initial thoughts. Singaporean, Indian, and other accents joined the community in my mind, playing off each other in the best ways.
What unfolded is my responsibility. Certain things worked incredibly well! The late addition of sautéed portabella mushrooms with a rosemary in a white wine sauce was a popular addition to the toasted garlic bread and pasta. The DIY salad with two types of Japanese dressings on the side was another favorite.
I also liked the way the lingering start when you arrive carry on as others come sequencing of the courses played out. With the varied menu and limited points where I needed to finish the cooking, there was an ongoing opportunity to bring adults and kids into the process! The process of tailoring to individual preferences became a participatory event. While others watched, the attention and focus was all on the individual.
As the clean-up began after everyone had left, I found myself with two prayers of thanksgiving. To those who have shared their learnings with me, my promise of old has now been fulfilled; “I’ll transfer to my lips all the counsel that comes from your mouth;” (Psalm 119.13) To each who came, indulged, and laughed with me, thank-you for making my day! Feedings one’s soul is best done with others.
As a new day starts, the words of wisdom old and new are with me as whispers of love shared, received, and now gifted to others in action.