Confidence and self-worth are things that every parent tries to give their child. The vulnerabilities born during the time when we were all powerless babies often carries on far into adulthood if not through our whole lives. We are unsure of where we really stand with those around us, we fear others will discover the ugly truths that make us who we are, and we have no idea of how to articulate and resolve the craving need within to be loved.
For many this is resolved by becoming better at something than in their sight. They play better tennis, receive superior grades, or make awesome music; each providing a foundation for self-worth and confidence. I find the process encouraging yet remember my own youth and how very little of this applied! What about the rest of us?
Living with the understanding of my weaknesses and failings is a challenge. I find as I grow older that I mask my fears with a veneer or arrogance and pride, trying to convince those around me that this is merely an expression of my confidence and self-worth.
Solomon calls this for what it is. “Arrogance and pride – distinguishing marks in the wicked – are just plain sin.” (Proverbs 21.4) So what can or should we do with the living reality we find ourselves in? Are we forced to walk around in metaphorical sack-clothe and ashes? I’m not sure exactly what this would look like, however yesterday morning I met someone with downcast eyes, a slump in the shoulders, and a hesitant step that fit the stereotype.
The blunt fact is that you and I are children of God. We are so valuable that God made our restoration one of His highest priorities. These are living words that can be our true foundation for confidence and self-worth! We have the opportunity to be God’s hands, eyes, feet, voice, and ears. Every day provides us the chance to make a difference to someone around us. This is living with confidence and worth; experiences that affirm how important you are to life.