Much of my life is spent working to build bridges between two points of view, two conversations, or two sides of a relationship. I realize that the “betweens” are variations on a theme, but a loop transcends every situation where I am a working broker.
“He (she) is not _______ (you can fill in the blank).”
“I am ________ (mirror of what the other said he/she is not). If I wasn’t I wouldn’t be doing my job, role, or position!”
What follows is yesterday’s experience, yesterday’s pride, and yesterday’s choices. The ability of either party to deal with the real questions is problematic. The chance of moving forward is less than zero. As hard as both sides work the loop centers on both sides believing that they haven’t been heard, understood, or acknowledged. With a bit and time and repetitiveness both parties find themselves frustrated, disappointed, and without hope.
I wonder if we can every face the present moment by learning from the past, dealing with the present in the hope of what might be. The loop carries disagreements on questions where there is often tremendous agreement. In a recent example both parties wanted the same goals. Both believed/accepted that yesterday’s failures were founded in the muddle of perception, not facts. Both carried needs that were being lost in the question of yesterday. Neither seemed able to move forward.
This is no different from experiences in history. When Jesus exposed the gaps, “they were indignant. ‘Our father is Abraham!’
Jesus said, ‘If you were Abraham's children, you would have been doing the things Abraham did.’” (John 8.39)
The questions then and now are these.
Will I deal with the question of this moment simply and completely on its’ own?
Am I willing to affirm my values and priorities again and again, always looking forward with the hope present in truth?
Will I work as part of a community, abandoning self?
You and I can break yesterday’s unending loop. Today is an opportunity for compassionate living, proactive mercy, and unlimited acceptance to see the light of day.
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