New York is a city of lost treasures. Much of the time I find myself on the same quest as the community’s majority, seeking my fortune in the tall buildings, mammoth organizations, and crowded streets. It is easy to believe everyone is one on the same quest! The streets are full of those seeking success in all its forms – fame, lights, power, status, money, and gratification in all its forms. You have to be careful, cautious, and secretive, otherwise somebody will steal your idea! Nothing is sacred on the way to the destination. Everything can be sacrificed on success’ alter. There are no limits, boundaries, or parameters we need to worry about.
I’m not so sure.
For centuries the Jewish nation was centered on being in relationship with Divinity. On one particular day they left us an example of how easy it is to stumble and trip, far away from one’s center. The set-up was there. “It was the preparation day for Passover. The hour was noon. Pilate said to the Jews, ‘Here is your king.’
They shouted back, ‘Kill him! Kill him! Crucify him!’
Pilate said, ‘I am to crucify your king?’
The high priests answered, ‘We have no king except Caesar.’” (John 19.14, 15)
This was a nation founded on experiencing and witnessing Divinity’s love, transparency, and engagement in life. By this Friday they had lost the plot! Nothing that was happening reflected the values, principles, and community rules they held closest to their hearts. The treasure they had was now missing.
You don’t have to be in New York to lose you heart and soul. In fact it is as easy to lose it in the virtual world as the physical, in Walton on Thames as New York, and in your heart as well as your mind. Frequently I wonder if I am watching, taking care.
The fear of lost treasure is the first step in reclaiming, honoring, and celebrating the treasures of our heart. Today is a fresh beginning. We can reclaim and hold close. We can stay and be true.
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