Writers and artist always portray love at its best. You find sacrifice, even the ultimate of giving one’s love for another, in the center of love. Expressions of beauty, undying devotion, and awe often find their way into their expressions. As important as each is, the one expression of love I find most perplexing yet critical is “difficult, challenging, and tough” love.
Difficult love happens when one party cares enough to take a challenging, tough and well, difficult action. Usually it comes through the form of a conversation or intervention. I think interventions are marginally easier. The simple reason is the underlying driver; if you don’t act then something extraordinarily bad will likely happen. The difficult choices come when things could go on as they have been going; if nothing was to happen then nobody would be that different than they were/are. In these moments loves demands difficult, often painful, actions.
I cannot imagine how God deals with failures. There is no question in my mind that in time we will all kill ourselves, through ignorance and or resolve. It is the moments before disaster strikes. How does God let our freedom to act continue and yet do something as we are at risk?
I hope, deeply, fully, and completely, that God will do with me what he has done with others. I find hope in God’s statement of action; “Because of all your wild raging against me, your unbridled arrogance that I keep hearing of, I'll put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth. I'll show you who's boss. I'll turn you around and take you back to where you came from.” (Isaiah 37.29)
I not one hundred percent sure this action would be enough but it is a start. I don’t always choose love, compassion, and community, but I want to. I often find myself as guilty as those I criticize, yet I want and seek change in my life. I pray God acts in my life; today, with no delay. Do what you need to do and let’s live!
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