There is an interesting process which occurs in “truth” filled relationships. “Truth” is a relationship as one founded on the motives of unconditional acceptance, empathy, and respect coupled with mutual integrity, honesty, and admiration; relationships thriving and growing in a community. In truth filled relationships there is a natural, often unseen and without notice or provocation, process which brings out the best in both parties. The change is not one of moving to become more similar – it is all about realizing the gifts and potential which exist within each individual.
I know this may sound like a clich? or a sappy story, but it’s different. I find myself different because of the relationships I am in. It is a difference I am quite happy with! It is as if I am experiencing how “the jealousy of Ephraim will dissolve, the hostility of Judah will vanish—Ephraim no longer the jealous rival of Judah, Judah no longer the hostile rival of Ephraim!” (Isaiah 11.13) It is both wonderful, awe inspiring, and fearful – all at the same time.
Do you realize that it is through the relationship and influence of others that we can realize our mission? This isn’t the only way, however it is one way Divinity reaches out to each where they are…not asking for change, not demanding conditions before accepting, and knowing we will fail in the future.
Do you understand the power that comes from positive, truth filled engagement? Praise is understood in context – not lifting the ego yet giving one’s heart the assurance and comfort our souls thirst for. It is as if the relationship has given each party the currency to present change and opportunity. We have earned the right of honesty and accountability. Truth exists within its own framework.
Do you see what can happen today? We can take the foundation given to us and leverage it in the lives of those in our relationship circle. We can be a catalyst of love and mercy in the community in which we live.
With each friend I am in debt.
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