As I reflect on a dreary London morning, I can see three phases to my work here.
The first phase focused on waking up and getting going. People did not know that anyone could or would believe in them. Conversations in the office were muted, defensive, and brief. This was a major contrast to the same group outside – chatty, bubbly, and energetic! We focused on acknowledging the reality of our current condition. We understood the difference between great people and results that did not measure up on matter how hard we worked. We acknowledged the gap, we openly talked about our problems, and then we set out to a new destination, together!
In the second phase, we changed everything! We examined the way we were doing things, found problems, and work together to understand the best way we could move things forward. We looked at the way we organized our relationships and even we were confused! So we changed our organization and aligned it with our values and priorities. We knew that nothing would change today, so we talked about our condition daily, noted where we realized our priorities and where we failed. We took courage in our progress and used our failures to increase our resolve. Everything was up for question, and the outcome was that everything changed from the inside out.
Today marks the end of the lull between the second and final phase. “Looking back over what has been accomplished and what I have observed, I must say I am most pleased – in the context of Jesus, I'd even say proud, but only in that context.” (Romans 15.17) The challenge ahead is the same for you and me. Will we do what is best for the individual? Are we willing to work towards an even greater goal?
In the office this will mean examining the future for each individual and working together to make the next step and taking a positive step towards realizing their potential. God offers the same opportunity to you and me. Want to step out together today?