The contrasts in the past seven days continue to defy my ability to see and understand. The chilled mornings of the Napa valley are incomprehensible as I walk out into Singapore’s morning steam. The dry landscape of Southern California seems impossible when I look out on the tropic’s eternal green. Even New York’s crush seems incongruent with the relatively sparse streets of anywhere else. Images collide, words mush into a confusing matrix of sounds and meanings, and ideas linger as chaotic strings rushing here and there looking for a community to call home. Where am I? Who am I? What time is it?
The dialogue still rings, even though I was never present. I pause, closing my eyes, and see the imagined play unfolding before my eyes. The first time it twitches through the frames in silence – the body language screams from both sides. You can see the dialogue unfolding and it is not pretty. Regardless of one’s motive, the other side hears something very different. In spite of mutual commitment, distrust finds a home in both hearts. Fear begins to grow, doubts fester, and uncertainty reigns!
I the different acts follow, each with greater texture and color, I find myself standing before God wondering if I have witnessed a parody of my Divine conversation. Did I take the time to hear God’s affirmation of our relationship? Did I understand that I am God’s precious child? Did I comprehend that I am priceless? Do I accept the embrace offered?
The questions continue with each act, unfolding on the truth. With truth calling me to something greater, I realize my God painting was by a stranger’s dictate. God did not say what I anticipated. I see Divinity’s plan with new eyes. God always sees me with bigger eyes than I see myself. I hear wonderful news, as God “said to me, ‘You're my dear servant, Israel, through whom I'll shine.’” (Isaiah 49.3)
Nothing in my experience is unique. It is your story, as it is mine. I want to see, see God working today. It is possible.
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