There is an incredible harmony resonating all around us. It is the natural rhythm of truth that shows up in the colors of the sky just before dawn, the sound of an approaching monsoon storm, and laughter of the conversation between friends. In this truth, one can listen to the whisper of the Spirit in our life journey. It is a powerful voice that I find myself often missing or ignoring.
The afternoon storms come in from the north. I sit facing south, with easy views to the south and west. It is comforting to revel in the bright tropical afternoons, marking the casual shift of the big ships queued for loading and unloading. Singapore is a busy harbor. The unfolding process of watching the patterns brings a comforting peaceful assurance of order, planning, and intensity. Unless one turns and looks intentionally at what might be missing, the impending darkness, lighting strikes, and rumbling winds will easily overwhelm. It is not as if the signs and turmoil is missing. However, I often find myself walking without an umbrella, drowning in life's chaos, simply because I refused to be open and aware to all that is unfolding around me. “All the prophets from Samuel on down said the same thing, said most emphatically that these days would come. These prophets, along with the covenant God made with your ancestors, are your family tree.” (Acts 3.24)
Nature's truth is God's voice played out in our lives. We ignore it at the risk of living full and complete lives. We walk blindly because of choice. The embrace, comfort, and presence of God are often left to drift silently by because we were busy looking in a direction of our choosing.
The Spirit is reaching out and into your life and mine today. Life will unfold in many different ways. God is willing to be a part of it all. Divinity's compassion, mercy, and wonder are available to all. It is mantra that we can embrace in our lives; letting the harmonies soothe and comfort, always directing, nurturing, and sustaining.
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