The walkway was dimly lit and obscure. I do not think anyone remembers it, except for those linked to choosing the arrangement. Regulars were paying no attention. It was a hidden wall, abandoned in many ways once completed. As I walked by the 27 shields representing fraternities linked to the building, I could not help but think how many found this boring. It was a current echo of the old lament. “Everything’s boring, utterly boring – no one can find any meaning in it. Boring to the eye, boring to the ear.” (Ecclesiastes 1:8)
I stopped, pausing to let my heart and soul experience the wall. I only know a small part of the stories represented. I also know many would find this utterly dull. It was as far from interesting as possible.
There is a story to everything that has value. The first dollar bill in a store is more than the bill. It reflects a milestone on a journey filled with pain, tears, hard work, and, in one particular moment, a celebration of the first sale. As I remember the walls with bills, it is the stories that brought everything into focus. Until then, it was just a bill on a wall, livened up, if I was lucky, by a photograph of smiling individuals. In listening to the stories shared, I see marks left by Divinity’s presence and touch.
My most profound memories are found in the expected flows of life that many consider mundane. The voice of my mother when I fulfilled her greatest hopes. The understanding of my father when I wrecked his favourite car. The embrace that came when I needed it above all else. I shared space with a friend last night. We were near the dull wall that everyone ignored. In our laughter and conversation, I knew I was in a place where I would always be safe and accepted.
I open myself to new insights and awareness by rediscovering the mundane in living. Today is my opportunity to bring them out into the open and give them life.