I was walking in a hurry, head down, focused on my path. Out of the corner of my eye, a set of Mickey Mouse ears came in the shadows, first one, then another, and then a third. I slowed down so I could take in the setting. In my mind, I could see and hear myself as a six-year-old boy, singing along with the Mickey Mouse Club kids on a small black and white TV. It was all new then: television, kid’s programs, music, and the imagination of being together in the same space virtually. The details have faded, yet my sense of wonder and hope in that moment continues.
One’s view of Divinity evolves. The idea that my understanding can be locked down is confusing. First, this premise is not valid anywhere else in my experience. From internal to external relationships, through living and growing, everything is constantly changing. My awareness of the potential of what could be is the greatest it has ever been. What was impossible is now within reach. With this as a reference point, Life reminds me that Divinity uses every possible channel to improve the quality and quantity of what I see of her.
Openness to new ideas creates new gateways in moving forward. In the early Mickey Mouse days, I thought my behaviour was the only thing that mattered. As I grew and rebelled, I discovered that my attitude was often under a microscope. It took becoming an adult before a holistic picture slowly emerged. The shadow-ears reminded me of my childhood views, especially in context to my view of the present. Our paths are personalised and unique, yet the threads remain. “You’ve come to Jesus, who presents us with a new covenant, a fresh charter from God. He is the Mediator of this covenant. The murder of Jesus, unlike Abel’s – a homicide that cried out for vengeance – became a proclamation of grace.” (Hebrews 12.24). Life is found in the moment and in what I can be.
With a tune in my heart, it’s time to play.