“Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh! Keep me from stupid sins, from thinking I can take over your work.” Psalm 19.13
What do I do most that I hate and know that I am doing? What haunts me, driving me to take actions I regret before I start? Who encourages me along my path?
I hate taking charge when it is not my job to take charge! I do it all the time, which only makes matters worse. I itch to take charge of my subordinate’s jobs. I have tendencies of being a type A in all aspects of my life, including God. Doing God’s job is something I hate to do! I try to do it all the time, which is the worst possible activity I can take on.
The answer to the “why question” is easy, I lack faith. Focusing on correcting this problem is one of my most difficult challenges; taking charge is always the easy way out.
Guilt daily drives me to actions I regret before the act is complete. Guilt is an excellent emotion to help clarify the gray areas of my life. Guilt can point me back to the source of Truth, however I often misuse guilt.
Lunch yesterday with a friend reminded me of the true path. God wipes our slate clean each day. If I let God do His job then I am free to focus on realizing God’s creative dream in me. If I exercise faith and tend the garden of my soul then God’s love changes me from the inside out!
My friend is doing that in his life. The walk is full of pit-falls and challenges are present at every turn. Other friends do not understand and respond defensively. Does it every get easier? We shared the priority of seeing God’s face. We reveled in God’s creative power to change our lives. We understood the challenge before us in realizing God’s dream in our life. We broke bread together in a modern communion.
Fresh starts are awesome! Thanks.