I cannot imagine how my parents put up with me. When I think of my attitude, actions, and activities then I know the reality of Solomon’s statement; “Having a fool for a child is misery; it is no fun being the parent of a dolt.” (Proverbs 17.21) I was similar to other kids of my generation; the wonder only grows.
I know I do not see my historical self accurately; it is as if I am looking through a mirror. I know I try to polish and hone the mirror so that my bias and memories are as clear as possible, yet I sense that I am looking at things through my value and priority system. My parents looked at me through their own sense of right, wrong, and important yet I do not think it made the scene any better. When God looks at me walking in trust he watches a son traveling while wearing Jesus garment. With this garment on I stand perfect before the universe! Nothing can taint my past, present, or future.
When I talk two my girls I sense the same use of mirrors. It is hard for me to see them as they see their own selves. They have unique perspectives built on their journey, colored by their friends and values, and shaped by their understanding of God. I wonder at the link between their mirror and God’s just like I wonder about yours.
Looking at ourselves as God does is one of the most mysterious challenges we will face in life, knowing what we do of ourselves yet being willing to base of self esteem on how someone else sees and knows. And God knows every ugly detail! He also knows that part of his person died so that we might be restored into our full created potential.
I know that I see Carli and Whitney as priceless gems given to me to care for. I would easily give my life so that theirs would continue. With God this is not a commitment, this is reality. We are priceless.