New York’s West Village is a strange place at night. Every shape, size, and character of human being is out. As I walked to meet friends and then headed home last night I found myself wondering aloud if I had any idea what motivated the people I met and passed by on the street. Candidly I wasn’t sure if everyone was actually human! I know they must have had a mother and father, attended school (at least for awhile), and broken free (grown up), but given what I was observing nothing could or should be taken for granted! It wasn’t that I objected to what was going on or that it was in any way offensive. Simply put, it was just different.
As I walked I found myself looking forward to the next group of individuals, turning the corner and finding yet another surprise. The process was invigorating to say the least. Nothing could be assumed. Everything was a fresh discovery. What I thought I knew needed to be parked as I opened myself up to the what might be possible and what could be imagined.
The images, sounds, and smells are still ringing through my reflections. I wonder how many blinders I have continued to wear during my steps throughout the day. Have I assumed motives, attitudes, and values for those I meet without even giving him or her a chance to express themselves? Did I categorize individuals in the community, fitting each into one stereotype or another, so I could press on to the goal at hand? Is there more to the people around me than I have given them credit for?
The same questions need to be asked in my relationship with God. Have I heard God’s words? “I'm not angry. I care. Even if it[you and I] gives me thistles and thornbushes, I'll just pull them out and burn them up. Let that vine cling to me for safety, let it find a good and whole life with me, let it hold on for a good and whole life.” (Isaiah 27.4, 5)
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