Motivation, of any age, is a great topic for musing, reflection, and trial. I am convinced that viable principles, concepts, and approaches do not work in every situation. One must understand the context of a community and the individuals that live within. Factors include group norms, shares values, and individual maturity and understanding of truth. Tradition is an influencer. Time, place, and the perception of one's intent all share more influencing roles. At times though, a singular action triggers a cascade that unfolds without thought, consideration, or planning. It is the kind of raw motivation that managers dream of! Unrelenting, unbridled, and uncontrolled actions towards a end of its own.
“Provoked mightily by all this, the Chief Priest and those on his side, mainly the sect of Sadducees, went into action, arrested the apostles and put them in the town jail.” (Acts 5.17)
In the cool rays of a new sun, I wonder if I understand the motivating drivers in my life. I look at yesterday, reflecting on the actions that conflict with the values and priorities I think I hold close to my heart. I find myself encouraged by the stories I wrote of love, compassion, and acceptance. I wonder aloud about the motivators that detracted from this part of the narrative. What are the true motivators of my life?
Even in this puzzle, I know I control my choices. It is both the liberator and jailer aspects of freedom. You and I are free to accept our motivators. You and I are constrained by our choices, at times unwitting conspirators to stories beyond our imagination. Our actions move far more in life than we ever realize. Embedded in this realization is my awareness that everything is possible! We, you and I, can write stories of love. We can author acts of compassion. We can be models of being in community. Our lives can motivate others as we reveal great truths.
As I drift into a new day, Hong Kong's skyline welcomes me. I know the next move will be up to you, and me.
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