“What if you walked into a business and they knew your name and what you liked?”
“Several businesses do.”
“Really? Everyone in the business knows you, what you like and do not like?”
“Good point. Several in the business will have a clue, but usually only one or two know.”
“What if a business’ business model proactively started with you?”
“I like where you are going. I do not know anyone doing this or how they could do it profitably.”
As customer centric as our thinking is, especially in retail businesses, the best I have seen have friendly staff that are trained to care and react well when there is a problem. Service is, by default, part proactive (attitude) and mostly reactive (problem resolution). In operations I have worked with, we have had all kinds of analytics in this space. Number of calls, wait times, and repeat calls for the same issues are just the beginning of what we tracked, analyzed, and actioned! I can remember 33 dials on my dashboard that represented so many analytical data points that I had long lost count.
I wonder. Did I ever really know and understand my client? From the feedback I had an idea, however much of what I knew was superficial at best. What where the heart priorities? At any given moment, what were her or his preferences? Did I ever imagine giving her or him what she needed before asking? As the questions swirl unanswered, I have my doubts.
As I look for answers I am reminded of an old observation. “He [Divinity] knows us inside and out, keeps in mind that we’re made of mud.” (Psalm 103.14) Intellectually I believe this to be true however the thought of it scares me. What if I am not accepted as I am? What if there is no interest in me?
In my fears, Life reminds me that I am loved more than I realize. I am also accepted, valued, and respected. I find the realization to be a call to action and awareness of responsibility.