For years, I found myself caught in a game. I enjoyed the competition and spontaneity of it all. At the core, the game was simply about manners, control, and ultimately subtle yet extremely effective power. Who would control the process of going through a door? Who dictated the seating around the conference table? Who was able to control the behavior in the elevator? Winning was not winning unless one could get to the goal without anyone realizing they had lost until they had lost.
There were several players around the world, but two competitors stood out above all the rest. It was not that they were very good at the game. While they began to win after extended periods of losing, they were worthy opponents! Initially the natural assumption by both rested in the explicit technique or process. Their focus was on where they were in the group as we entered the elevator. Their attention rested on the timing of reaching out, directing, and manipulating.
It took each several months to realize that winning would only come when it became natural to serve. A giving, service, oriented relationship always leaves freedom with those who give willingly. In our game, and I believe in life, realizing this truth, letting it be embedded within one’s soul, is the key to living life to the maximum and winning in the ultimate game.
Naturally, it is far easier to talk about than to put into practice. Even with they realized what they needed to do, it was not easy to let go of the habits of a lifetime. I look back now and realize that they have become masters in their own right. I caught them playing the game with others, gently leading others to the source of truth. It was an incredible thing to watch. The memories and experience continues to filled my soul with hope.
“Out of myself, simply because of who I am, I do what I do. I have my reputation to keep up. I'm not playing second fiddle to either gods or people.” (Isaiah 48.11)
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