Times of reflection at some point come to a crux. Even if the “same” person emerges it is with expanded memories, deeper values, and strengthened priorities. Given the present tragedies, New Year emerging, and holidays just past, it has been a time of reflection for everyone. I wonder what will come. Will we like the “new”? Will the new reflect the values and priorities we say we hold dear? Could this be the window we long for?
I wish I could say with certainty I knew the outcome. I am hopeful yet not confident. There are three observations that come to mind.
First, the world is more uncertain about the present and the future than at any time in recent history. We have lived with wars, conflicts, and economic uncertainty for most of my life. Yet the reality of a natural disaster which moved islands, probably changed the tilt of the world axis, and in the matter of minutes touched millions of lives is new. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring. I am not sure what the best thing to do in the present is!
Second, it is hard to understand what has and is happening. So much has gone on in the past year. I am having a tough time coming to grips with the last four weeks! Yet life has and is going on. The phone rings, emails come, and people extend a hand of friendship. Life is being played out in front of me; am I willing to engage? Can I reflect enough to attempt to take an intelligent next step?
Third, it is time to step out. You will know when it is right for you. The key is being open to sense the time to act. I feel as if I am “a cadaver, wrapped from head to toe, and with a kerchief over his face.” (John 11.44a) The good news is that you and I have Divinity’s call to let us know the time is right; “unwrap him and let him loose.” (John 11.44b)
Now is the time.
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