I was recently asked how much I was willing to pay for health. It was an odd question. Part of me wanted to respond, “What choice does one have?” As I paused, reflecting on how I could respond, it occurred to me that we have always had a choice with our health. We may not have had perfect information, but we have always had some! From ages past, there have been guidelines on what we eat and how we treat each other. Across a wide range of faith systems, we have guidance and wisdom. While our choices never totally protect us from illness, healthful living is the great starting point. With several variations on the thoughts, each reminds us to “Keep your eye on the healthy soul, scrutinize the straight life; there’s a future in strenuous wholeness.” (Psalm 37.37)
As the impact of choices long ago catches us with us, I watch friends trying to turn towards a new life. From new therapies to behavior changes, I watch as each reaches for something new. The thirst to live is strong. The desire to remain within the circle of those they love is overwhelming. Money is not a barrier. The willingness to accept risk goes beyond anything s/he had imagined. Each says that they willing to do anything to achieve the goal of a longer life.
I find myself thinking about Life’s reminders.
Stress is an evil warrior. He fights dirty. He saps your defenses, destroying the protective barriers that are within us. Stress starts in our minds but never stays put. It has a destructive side that reaches into our hearts, soul, and bodies.
Intentional rest, in the form of sleep, meditation, and even simple relaxation, is one way to let our bodies fight, repair, and heal. We do not need to take on every battle by ourselves. Our bodies are willing to help. Nature is an ally in the healing process.
Hope is an underrated catalyst in the healing process. It can be fleeting, however when embraced everything changes in ways that are helpful.