We all live within communities that have normative boundaries. There are accepted actions and those of rebels. There are activities that others accept as reasonable, rationale, and flexible. The same activities can, on occasion in another community, leave one with a brand of indulgent, selfish, or destructive. It is not always obvious what the norms are, but in time, we all seem to fall within their tightly knit boundaries.
I often find myself rebelling when I sense myself at a boundary. It is not that I need to break out. My restlessness comes from an inner need to be free to make decisions and choices for my life. When I feel society blocking me in, I want to challenge the logic. When I see the purposelessness of a boundary, I want to tear it down and away. When I feel trapped or see others caught in the same with me, it is as if I am called to war. There are reasons but each generation is called to move forward, to make progress. This includes questioning the boundaries that dictate our behavior, actions, and choices.
For anyone interesting in joining me on this quest, I would offer two warnings. First, one may not always receive the support of those you call friends, much less those who oppose you. There is a good chance that one will be ridiculed and laughed at. There is a reasonable probability that one may find a label pinned on your reputation. When others look at you and those who have taken up your cause, they may even joke, “they're drunk on cheap wine.” (Acts 2.13) “They have no idea what they are doing.”
Second, even when one gets the challenge right (many challenges are unintentionally misguided with great lessons for learning emerging from them), many that one holds close to one's heart will not understand. It is often easy to find the soul walking alone as one exercises freedom.
These warnings should not deter you if convicted. Freedom makes us human. It is a Divine gift. It is ours to exercise.
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