The flashed on the corner of my screen. As I read the details, I found myself excited and relieved. In this case, a note has played for a friend. It is an unexpected one, at least from the outside. It is crisp, clear, and a signal of more to come. While it does not guarantee the future, it fun to see and hear because of the immediate impact it has for him and his team.
Several notes have played recently. Each connects with lessons from days past. While it is too soon to know how they will connect to the future, they are guides to the choices at hand.
Being fully present is a prerequisite to hearing a note clearly and fully. In the past, I have caught myself rushing to the next. On occasion, I have been lucky. Without pause, a decision was taken, and it worked. In the main, I took decisions without context and understanding because I rushed on by, never hear hearing the note fully.
The most intense notes in life are played with one’s heart. Notes can be, in context, uplifting, sad, emotional, and a signal. At times, when I slow down to hear, the moment is this and more. It is far too easy to judge the moment, to give it a label. On each note recently, it felt as if there was a larger story waiting to be shared. Investing the stories of those one cares about always leads to something better.
In each note of our lives, we have an opportunity to respond with love, care, and kindness. As hard as it may be to know, I find Divinity is always close. In proportion to my openness, in each moment there is a step which can be wrapped with kindness, compassion, and love. Openness is, for me, an acknowledgement of the Divine, “Hallelujah! Praise the name of God, praise the works of God,” (Psalm 135.1) combined with a willingness to act first with love.
May I always hear, feel, and experience every note with love, care, and kindness.