There are times in life where the bad side is clearly winning. Wars are fought with tactics that are on any scale less than honorable. Verbal slinging matches in the press for viewpoint or two use arguments that have nothing to do with the debate. Blatantly bad decisions are taken with bias. People are being hurt and relationships destroyed out of pride arrogance, or ignorance and neglect.
What are those who are trying to do the right thing, those holding on to principles and values, and those caught in conflicting priorities supposed to do? Does the answer for each lie in playing by the rules set by those without rules? Is the only response to evil yet even more evil? Are we spiraling into a situation where the answer for both sides rests in an eye for an eye, violence met by violence, and deceit match by even more deceit?
The idea that good will always win out in this world is at best na?ve and at worst dangerous and life threatening. Bad things happen to good people. Liars win. Cheaters do prosper. And, in spite of, because of, or whatever, John had confidence and so do I that the “good” guys will come out victorious.
“The Dragon and his Angels fought back, but were no match for Michael.” (Revelation 12.7)
So the question is when are the good guys going to win? What do I do in the interim?
The first answer is difficult. Good, defined by active compassion, tangible mercy, and recurring acceptance, wins one heart at a time. God had a critical battle; God won that one. Now are the battles to close out; one by one. When you or I decide to take “Good’s” road then another battle is won. When you are I stand up for principle, defend the defenseless, weak, or oppressed, then another is won. When bad things happen to good people and we respond with active compassion, tangible mercy, and recurring acceptance then big battles are won. The war isn’t over, no matter how bad it might look.