If there is anything I have learned in five plus decades, it is simply that one can never go back. You cannot un-learn what you have learned. You cannot un-know what you know. You cannot go back to yesterday and assume it will be the same today. Often it appears as if life is a series of choices, forks in the road, and randomly connecting one-way streets. As much as one might want to undo, fix, or repair, the damage is done.
At the end of a very long year, I find myself wondering if the conclusions to my assumptions are truthful facts. I wonder. There should be no question that many of the hells we live in are the direct result of our hands. We created the messes we find ourselves in. We are not the first. Others before us have brought damnation on themselves. Even “Judah has cheated on God-a sickening violation of trust in Israel and Jerusalem: Judah has desecrated the holiness of God by falling in love and running off with foreign women, women who worship alien gods. God's curse on those who do this! Drive them out of house and home! They're no longer fit to be part of the community no matter how many offerings they bring to God-of-the-Angel-Armies.” (Malachi 2.11, 12) Yet, is this the end?
Singapore reminds me that yesterdays rarely last for long. Recreation can and often is part of life. Our decisions have a life expectancy. Our hells rarely last forever, even when they do. For each, a dawn comes as often as we give it permission. God knows each intimately. God, in this knowledge, passionately and unconditionally loves us. God, in truth, will recreate our lives from the inside out.
Singaporeans have, in the main, embraced change. It is a wonderful ability to see what might be. You and I hold the keys to our future. God can see our potential. The path that comes will be one we choose today. Everything can be new. We hold new beginnings within.
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