Sometimes good ideas do not work. On other occasions, bad ideas play themselves out for what they are. Either way, you and I are stuck with a less than ideal reality. Just how bad it is depends on how one looks at it. I realize that this is always far easier to say with the benefit of distance, perspective, and alternatives. Often I find myself reacting without taking advantage of the benefits within my grasp.
As we approach the fourth major launch date in as many months, I wonder what can go wrong this time. There are reasons to be afraid. On the other hand, we survived each launch so far. As a team, we are stronger. As a team, we know more now than we did on the first launch. We understand each other’s strengths. We have reason to believe in our resilience and endurance.
Having said this, there are reasons to be concern. We are like sailors who see a wonderful bay. We turn and set sail, “but we didn’t make it. Still far from shore, we hit a reef and the ship began to break up.” (Acts 27.41) We have already faced the question twice, “what do we do now”? The questions as we approach the next one are many. What have we learned? How will we react? Will we be more resolute more quickly?
I am optimistic for several reasons.
First, there is an interesting humility in and around the team. We understand our weaknesses. We have the measure of those that oppose our contribution. We know we will add value. The only matter unresolved is one of timing.
Second, we know our role. We are not coming in to permanently take over. Our role is to bolster and become part of the fabric of moving towards the future. We are value add to the core capability that needs to exist within a country.
Third, we know that others do not understand our purpose and mission. Explaining is part of our mission. If we stay focused, we will move beyond the “oops”.