I spend my of my thinking time in work looking for correlations. Consumers are happy, why? We were successful. Hmmm, regardless of what we told others, what were the real factors and reasons? Someone is frustrated. Is there a story? The numbers are bad. This is presumption unless one has an understanding of the stories that make up the full picture.
As I think of correlations, actions that follow, and how everything changes with Hope, I have come to see that there is an important characteristic that is found in every step. To see new correlations requires openness to what you have not seen before. To act differently requires openness to learning and a sense of the possible, especially when it seems impossible. To know Hope’s embrace means that you are open to more than what you can see, reach, or do.
Openness is tricky. One can decide to be open, however it only because real in being open. One cannot be forced to be open, because openness is a choice. Experience reminds me that Openness starts with foundation points that include the following.
Seeing the present. It may be ugly, beautiful, discouraging, or something we have yet to imagine. Openness starts with seeing what we have refused or have been unable to see.
Openness comes in degrees. Even a little bit is helpful. The ultimate comes when we are willing to say, “Tell me, what’s going on, God? How long do I have to live? Give me the bad news!” (Psalm 39.4) We will not be completely open.
Yesterday’s openness does not mean that in the future we will be open. It is never a single experience. It is a revolving door that we open at the beginning of each moment in time.
Today is a step into the unknown. I want to be open. I want to hear. I want to listen in order to learn. Even as I write, I know Hope is alive, doing the stuff that Hope does. I feel different and better for Hope’s embrace. Hope’s opportunity is yours too.