When I am angry I hate parties. I find it very frustrating to be around people celebrating when I am wrapped in waves of injustice, vengeance, and war. It is as if I need to everyone else to feel the same things that I am feeling, legitimate or not. Even when others are empathetic, it isn’t enough! Should they be considerate and open for a discussion in the right time and place, it isn’t enough. The more compassionate the response the more I react as if compassion is a weakness! Unless everyone feels good nobody can party.
It is really sad that there are far too many examples that support the way I have been known to behave. My only defense is that I don’t think this happens much. But does it need to be there are all? As I watched this play out in life with other lead characters, I found myself wondering aloud about what type of God we think we have on our side. Is God an angry or frustrated god? Does God ever party? Are celebrations reserved for some point in the distant unknowable future?
There are stories of God getting angry but it seems to be at principles and evil not individuals. Even in Jesus’ day “another Feast came around and Jesus was back in Jerusalem.” (John 5.1) He was ready to participate, celebrate, and be with the very people that were going to turn on him in the future. I find myself pausing because of the embedded lessons of instructions and revelation of character.
God loves people. God loves celebrating the stories of the past while looking forward to the future. This process doesn’t deny evil, pain, or hardships around; it in a sense gives strength and momentum to living intense compassionate lives.
God is not willing to let pain, anguish, and tears control life. It doesn’t have to be and so God lets the “who” takes precedence.
God has and will continue to deal with the ugly sides of life.
Today is a time to live, really live.