The sidewalk sign did not know or care who I was. Rich or poor, powerful or weak, regardless of colour, gender, or size, the directions marked the path one had to follow. It was fun to imagine those who thought otherwise, only to realise that I was looking at myself in the mirror when I thought life’s rules did not apply to me. As today begins, I find myself reminded of the following.
Many others have walked down my path before me. The specifics may seem different, while the content remains the same. Challenges, obstacles, and opportunities continue to repeat themselves across the generations. Even as I think my path is worse than others, I hear and see stories that challenge the foundation of my thinking. Even as I go back generations, writers note that “Though he was God’s Son, he learned trusting-obedience by what he suffered, just as we do.” (Hebrews 5.8)
Our stories are told by what we do with the opportunities we have. Life reminds me that Divinities does not see us through the lens of our problems or failures. She has seen the darkness the world offers. This is not the story of today and tomorrow. The story Divinity seeks to capture is found in how kindness and care are shown to the individuals we encounter, starting with ourselves. It is in acts of compassion, responses filled with empathy and understanding, that greatness is realised.
Life offers guidance along the way. I appreciate life’s relentless pursuit of guiding, teaching, and supporting me. I know I am not alone. The stories others share with me remind me that Divinity is looking out for every child, regardless of where they stand and where they think they are going. Part of each step is being open to what I did not see or understand when I started. Regardless of the outcome, words and actions are awareness moments. At the end of my day, the question is never about how close to winning I got. Today is filled with opportunities to learn and grow through caring.