I have carried a premise with me for most, if not all, of my life. The premise is that “I” know what is best for me. In my youngest days, I knew what was best. Only I knew what I needed and must have if I was to survive. The premise did not change with time. In my teen years, advice was appreciated, yet only I knew if it was appropriate, useful, or even workable. I was always the determinant. As an adult, as the premise shifted to include rationalization, I “knew” I was ultimately accountable and that my conclusion was that only I knew what was best.
I no longer think this way. I look back at my path with a sense of sadness, knowing that God – directly and through others – has consistently wanted to be involved in the course of my journey while I arrogantly pushed on knowing that “I” knew best. I can learn from the past. I have an opportunity to let God speak to me, shaping the present, even taking the lead. This is what shapes my view and action today.
I see that I am not the first to let go. When “a voice came: 'Go to it, Peter-kill and eat.'” (Acts 10.13) Peter did not automatically reach a conclusion. He listened. He let God do Divinity's stuff. Looking back, I do not believe Peter had any idea where things would end up. Yet, in the end he reveled in God's direction.
You and I have the same opportunity today. God invites us into the unknown. Divinity's reaches out, asking us to trust members of the family. There are times that this trust will mean putting our lives in the hands of others. It is not the norm, but does happen! I find myself putting my views to the side. I want to know what God has to say. I find myself resolving to let my life be shaped by others in God's family, knowing that Divinity is actively working through the events in the days of our lives.
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