I met someone new yesterday. It was a chance meeting. I was sitting in coach on a flight from London to Atlanta. Just before the door closed, one of the ground staff came on board and asked me to change seats.
“Where would you like me to go?”
My head instantly anticipated the business class seat and sleep. I know it was going to be a quiet flight, filled with good food, and lots of sleep. As I approached the third row, everything appeared to be normal. In hindsight, I am not sure what I was thinking of when the word “normal” registered in my thought process. I recall thinking that I had the measure of those around me. I could anticipate the core of their stories. Whatever I might think of them, my tiredness was going to win out over any conversation.
I could tell that the gin and soda man sitting next to me was a businessman with a narrow focus. His attire and tan reflected time on a golf course. His attitude said he did not fly much internationally. While I was not 100% certain, I was comfortable with the label I had put on him.
I was much like those opposed to change long ago. “When Gallio was governor of Achaia province, the Jews got up a campaign against Paul, hauled him into court, and filed charges: ‘This man is seducing people into acts of worship that are illegal.’” (Acts 18.12, 13) There was no hard evidence, but they “knew”.
In the eight hours that followed, I had an extended conversation with David. In the process, I met someone unexpected. Here was someone of my vintage. He cared about his family, especially his daughter and grandson. His eyes lit up when he described them and the conversations they shared. We spoke of the future; I know hope was his friend.
I did not get much sleep. I did meet one of God’s sons. I hope we meet again. I know that David has a lot to offer to those he meets.