In recent months, I have listened to 100+ pitches, including some of my own. I have come to appreciate a key difference between founder pitching personally and a video or animated pitch. Something which is very difficult to infuse in the latter is a key difference maker when someone is making the pitch themselves is the personal connection. I always hear a pitch when it begins with a personal connection. In the personal story and connection, I hear a two-part why. Why me (founder). Why this idea (founder’s witness).
As I have reflected on the implications for me in the company I am founding, I have come to appreciate how my witness to the problem and proposed solution defines my believe in the proposition. In deconstructing this, there are several lessons I use each morning to focus my day.
One cannot share the experience of another. To share, it must be personal. I can tell the story of another. However, it is impossible to give witness to the emotions, experience, and details. One can never fully know what another went through. When one is directly involved and participating with thoughtfulness and intent, a powerful witness statement emerges. When a founder gives witness, the audience feels their story. In sharing, the witness delivers an invitation to listen with understanding.
Not everyone who witnesses an event fully understands the event. When a witness is holistic, it feels as if I am present and watching from the inside. In contrast, a single viewpoint often comes across and biased and only partially informed. Compelling witnesses understand the context and often see and feel the emotions of others involved.
When my witness aligns with others, the impact grows beyond the story combination. I still remember the tingles and goosebumps as I listened to the personalized story being shared as it echoed my own. I read the psalmist’s personal affirmation, “I too give witness to the greatness of God, our Lord, high above all other gods,” (Psalm 135.5) and I know I am part of a shared story.
Personal stories are powerful.