In hindsight, it all seems so logical, obvious, and routine. I know statistically bad things happen, but they did not for me. It was not a big deal, right? Well, yes, but no, or maybe.
Life's history will always have a small footnote that on a given day in November, a team of surgeons worked together to successfully perform surgery to remove a brain tumor. The note is merely a fact. Whatever perspective one gives, it is always personal and in context.
The surgery itself is radically invasive. Having someone touch your cerebellum, lifting it out of the way for even deeper surgical action, is not normal. Letting the body seal and heal itself, closing the escape pathways for cranial fluid, absorbing blood left behind by the surgeons, and adapting to different neuro-pathways express a incredible levels of trust in research, knowledge, and how the body will behave. This is the stuff at the core of life and living! Whatever one might say about it, even trying to write something that begins paint the picture gives me cause to faint.
I know that many wonderful, God fearing, and filled with good karma individuals have faced the same challenges I am in. For many, the outcome is still filled with uncertainties, unknowns, and obstacles. Hearing loss, eye weakness, and facial nerve damage are the easy ones. Tumors deciding they need to grow again are often a harsh reality for many. Some individuals are facing multiple experiences of the same surgery I have gone through. I am fortunate, gifted with more blessings than I can appreciate.
I find myself walking through a new door, seeing life differently. I realize that others will see my experience from their perspective. I can see that others have come to a moment of decision with very different views. “The minute Peter came through the door, Cornelius was up on his feet greeting him-and then down on his face worshiping him!” (Acts 10.25)
Ironically, confusing, differences, and uncertainty are normal. What is unique is our response. Will we intentionally be in this moment?
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