In the Emirates, one is never far from the sand. One sees it in the air. One cannot ignore the dust which appears on surfaces without regard to how recently they have been cleaned. Sand even permeates the taste which lingers from breathing outside. Sand’s telltales and the stories within them are left on one’s soul in obvious as well as silent ways.
I have come to appreciate the lingering whispers sand leaves within me. My initial annoyance to “dust” has been replaced by a sense of connectedness with the voices all around me. Sand speaks in a way which reflects the way nature and life is trying to communicate with me. It is relentless, permeating, and ultimately something I cannot ignore.
I have come to admire and respect the individuals who embrace the sand and all its forms. From what many describe as deserts to the mountains and space in between, the communalities which live here reflect the sand’s voice and ways of reaching one’s soul.
The gems in this voice I find teaching me include the following.
Deep and Relentlessness. The voice emerges from the land, the heart of where we live and what sustains us, permeating everything.
Unconditional, Inclusive. Without regard for who receives, it is for everyone and everything. There are no exceptions, places to hide, or ways to ignore.
Accessible. The voice, at times loud and overwhelming, often quiet to the point of silence, is there to be heard and understood. The choice of hearing and understanding always remains within us. We choose.
As I find myself listening today to the sand in my life, I find myself hearing a call others embraced before me. A call to report on what Divinity is doing to guide and inform one’s life. My story is not yours. To the contrary. In sharing, my hope is that you discover the unique sacred voices in your life.
The sand speaks of “sacred writings contain[ing] preliminary reports by the prophets on God’s Son.” (Romans 1.2, 3). Life’s voice is here, in every place we find ourselves.