Watching teams sports allows you to guess what player you would be yourself. Pick the sport. What position, which team, and even which player best represent who and what you are? Don’t put too much thought into the question, it is supposed to be fun! The team and play can be present or past; anyone you can describe.
Willie Mays and the early sixties San Francisco Giants is my baseball guy. There is a Dutch striker on the Chelsea football club… Well you get my drift. Whom would you pick as the one who could be the best representative in hockey? How about American football, NASCAR racing, Formula 1, or even Cricket? Now that you have a few players that you think are you, try writing down everything about them that is their “best”. If you are really brave, list the negatives that you perceive as well. Is this really what you represent?
I am willing to suggest that each of the players chosen is good in at least one thing. They excel and that is why you believe that they have something that you see or hope to see inside of yourself. Whatever the positive is my God has at least one more thing that he see in you. The words and invitation are clear.
“I’m about to call each conqueror to dinner. I’m spreading a banquet of Tree-of-Life fruit, a supper plucked from God’s orchard.” (Revelation 2.6)
The only question left is your decision about whether you want to be in the game of life. Are you a player or spectator? Are you in the game to win or just are you just a fill the slot kind of person? Is this game one that you take seriously or just go through the motions?
It might seem like the list of question are rather simple and almost moronic. I would like to gently suggest that buried in these questions are the fundamental choices that we must make or life will make them for us. God has chosen us to play. Have we chosen ourselves?