Coming from a world where everything is a variation on a set-up to the Redwoods is always a shock. In the City is seems as if everything is shaped to the audience, tuned to the decision at hand, and framed within a context. Ever try to move a Redwood? Did you think you can control a deer? What about the smells permeating everything? Redwoods invite one to visit and experience; shaping, manipulating, and staging is not included.
The reality of the harsh world of skyscrapers, business, and politics is everything has a purpose. Intent, motive, and purpose are often clouded, intentionally or not. One ignores this reality at their risk. One uses the sword at hand which is extremely sharp on all sides, endangering both the victim and attacker. In this reality letter nature takes its course is dangerous; often prone to control by forces with an intent that is anything but honorable. Playing in this pit is dangerous on a good day, extremely painful on others.
The Redwoods are no less dangerous to the na?ve. There are snakes. On the edges of the forest mountain lions are known to be hungry and desperate in years of drought (like this year). Widow makers fall with a timing all their own. Poison oak lurks silently for the ignorant. Dehydration will come, even to the casual walker. The list goes on.
Yet working and living in this area forces one back to the core questions of life. What is our intent and purpose? The Redwoods just are, variations are not a viable option. Changing colors to suit a client’s need? I recommend going somewhere else. Varying the landscape? No chance in this location? Staging the event? The Redwoods have been here for over a thousand years, they are what they are.
Clearly “a person making things up tries to make himself look good. But someone trying to honor the one who sent him sticks to the facts and doesn't tamper with reality.” (John 7.18) I find the Redwoods are a model we would do well to follow anywhere.
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