Much of my life is consumed by looking at what was done right versus what failed. Sometimes failure is intentional or through a natural cause and effect activity. When this happens one can conduct an analysis to find the root cause. Other failures are the result of a decision or choice that, like a series of dominos, become contributors. This framework applies to production, people, and strategies. In too many ways this process of looking at life applies to everything.
There are exceptions, but do we actually believe exceptions exist?
I believe that any relationship between two individuals is, if it is a true relationship, an exception. The question in human relationship is not what was done right, who knows what “right” is between two people? It is hard to fathom how or why I or any one person could know absolutely and with total confidence what is right for just one other person, much less a larger group of people. The question between relationships is “gifts”.
Gifts come though looking at relationships not people transactions.
Am I willing to give grace to another, to try and understand the others motives and aims? Will I give mercy, accepting that another can fail and hurt – both intentionally and innocently? Do I believe that the two of us stand equal in life, journey along a similar path, have the same enemy, and more importantly have the same awesome God?
Your relationship and mine with God is just that, a relationship not a transaction.
“The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him.” (Romans 12.3) God paid for our failures, past, present, and future, in this life but that does not mean we are slaves. There is no plus and minus with God. God does not and will not pull a ledger card on your life or mine. We are valuable because of God. We are worthy because of God’s actions. We are also God’s friends.