I recently attended the funeral for a parent of a close friend. As I observed the comings, goings, and actions in the five-day Chinese funeral, I experienced a first. On Saturday night, the friends of one of the grandsons arrived to pay their respects. The grandson is a member of an association. They pride themselves on their discipline and calmness. I am not 100% certain, but membership is documented by a discreet tattoo I noticed that several shared. As the first few arrived, I had assumed that they were just friends gathering. When the numbers got to forty plus, I was certain I was watching the association in action.
After prayers that night, the wake had gone quiet. Friends and family were sitting at the tables nearby. Their conversations broken by the sounds of peanuts being shelled and candies unwrapped. The picture postcard scene reflected the customs of working families in Singapore that follow the Buddhist traditions.
Without a word the group made their way to a spot in front of the altar and casket. In an effortless way, they silently formed rows four across and ten deep. Off to the left, a single individual stood. His stance and the respectful eye contact from everyone in the group documented his leadership status. With a few short words, the rows tightened up and the individuals came to prayer attention.
The first “Bow!” hit the air as a rifle shot. It was loud, definitive, and absolute. Forty-one men bowed in perfect unison.
“Bow!” Uniform bending and respect repeated.
“Bow!” Perfect repeat number three.
After a respectful pause, the group silently dismissed themselves. The conversations that stopped with the first “bow” reluctantly began again. When Power acts, it is good to pay attention. I knew I had witnessed David’s words in a unique way; “God thunders, the wilderness quakes; He makes the desert of Kadesh shake.” (Psalm 29.8)
I shut my eyes and remember, the shudder I felt with the first “bow” repeats. The touch of Power is tangibly real when one is listening. It can happen again, today.