How does one transition back into the Monday mornings of life after a few weeks of vacation? It is probably just a bit more difficult than your transition after a fantastic weekend. I continue to find the contrast between the experience of great relationships and the knowledge of what will come Monday morning in the normal office grind physically more challenging than the jet-lag when you go to a time-zone sixteen hours away from home. The anticipation of going into the snake-pit of our individual work environments only gets more difficult with each passing cycle. As much as I would like to think I have recovered I don’t think I ever adequately prepare for the transition. I am not sure I even know how.
During the past few weeks I have spent time with family and friends in wonderful circumstances and environments. On the whole these are the type of people I want to meet at a party; fun, interesting, and unusual all at once! The time they gave in conversation, openness to walking along together for a time and insights into their lives is an extraordinary gift without a price. I find myself longing to share more of their lives, wanting to be a part of their journeys, and genuinely interested in what happens next.
Yet as the dawn comes to a new day I know tomorrow will be very different. I will have moved across several time-zones, dropped back into the pit, and boarded another plane for yet another set of meetings. Life continues on a path with no horizon and few markers.
When Jesus found himself on the verge of something big he was prepared. John notes that “they were looking for a way to arrest him, but not a hand was laid on him because it wasn't yet God's time.” (John 7.30)
God has a plan for you and me. It may include pain and challenges beyond our worst imaginations. The only question rests in my connection to Divinity and the Spirit. With this anything is possible; for you and for me.
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