Danny loves telling his story. His glasses were lost (possibly stolen) at Heathrow in late March. Several weeks later, as he whined to God about life in general and glasses in a busy mall miles from home, a stranger thrust a glass case into his gut. As he reacted in surprise and fear to the intrusion to his personal space, he also found he was holding his glass case and glasses! The sequence defies a logical answer; no addresses in the items, no names linked to London, and no mention of his name during the encounter.
Lynzi loves telling her stories; visions that drive her to saving a sand driver from certain death, prayers of healing for the sick, and calls to respond to God before people face death. Amazing stories of unconditional love in action, even when the people involved do not like each other!
Hearing about the stuff in people’s lives creates a wide spectrum of reactions and feelings. There are times where I find myself reacting in fear; wondering why I am not in the middle of one of these types of life changing experiences. In other moments, I wonder whom and what power is at work; is it God or something else? Most of the time I find myself encouraged and walking with a lighter step.
Reflecting on my own reaction, I find the following to be true.
Knowing that God’s involvement extends to everyone is key. You and I can have, and probably do have if we were to take notice, similar experiences of love, mercy, and power.
Understanding that we are all bits of dirt and water, mud in God’s hands, keeps the right perspective! There is nothing that we can do to control and create such events; God is the one in charge and the source of all good things.
Resting, staying in the Presence (God’s Spirit) is our one and only call. “Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them – living and breathing God!” (Romans 8.7)
Try it! This approach does work.