I hear Cherry whisper a familiar refrain right after I have spoken first in the morning three times each year. The three days mark our anniversary, today, and the days marking when we decided to get married, and when we met. “I’m sorry, but I did not get you anything. Should I rush out and get a card?” For 20 of the last 21 years I have heard this refrain with minor variations. I do not ever remember it hurting; rather I always seem to react with an affirmation and confidence that things are “ok” because I did “remember”. I know Cherry demonstrates her beliefs through each day.
Relationships are special. When relationships work, one finds one’s self stronger, happier, and more at peace than one could ever imagine possible. If the relationship is in distress, there is little that is more painful, stressful, and difficult. I have come to realize that God and Cherry are the two relationships that shape my life. Additionally, the girls, my parents, and several close friends are significant influencers. I often resolve to take action in my human relationships but I tend to let my relationship with God drift.
Having a relationship with God is often more difficult because we do not believe God is a real and tangible partner. Nothing could be father from truth and reality! I have come to find God’s voice frequently whispering in my ear. Seeing Him act in the lives of others and in ways that directly touch my life is a daily occurrence. I now see and understand that He is far more intent on having a relationship with me than I ever imagined.
My goal is to be just as Cherry is in my life with God. I want to be in a state where God knows with confidence what my thoughts are about our relationship even when I forget to tell him or do something that says otherwise.
Paul gave you and I the key. “Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant.” (Romans 12.12) That’s my present to God today.