Magic unfolds when one can sit at the feet of a master. As one experiences the emerging story one discovers that they are in a world far beyond their imagination. For me, artists are among the greatest masters. It is as if paint flows from their veins, brush strokes from their eyes, and textures emerge from whimsical movements.
One of the reasons I always find myself energized in New York is because I have the opportunity to stumble on so many talented artists. In the past few days the images replaying in my mind have given me the strength and will to go far beyond my normal limits. In moments of sheer exhaustion a brief memory of looking into a special creation gives me a fresh perspective of how to carry on with renewed hope. In times where wicked problems seem to overwhelm, a story line appears and I know there is more possibilities just beyond the stop where my vision ends. Even the battles take a different turn as a see them through possible contrasting colors. It is as if the very act of painting with my mind takes me to a place where the master is present.
In the chaos of the week, there have been reminders of creativity gift, of masters and God giving others as well as myself the ability to do things well beyond our normal abilities. I find myself humbled by the realization of how easily inspiration can transcend normal boundaries. It is as if I have been in the presence of God kids.
I was recently reminded that “just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don't go back until they've watered the earth, doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry, so will the words that come out of my [God’s] mouth not come back empty-handed. They'll [we’ll] do the work I sent them to do, they'll complete the assignment I gave them.” (Isaiah 55.10, 11) God has a process and we are part of it.
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